Rangeland Resources

UC Rangelands website: UC Rangelands is a network of scientists and educators across the University of California and Cooperative Extension. Our mission is to develop and advance science-based knowledge in partnership with diverse management and policy stakeholders to promote agricultural and environmental sustainability on California's grazing lands.

Website includes information hubs, publications database, information about the Rustici Endowment (funding opportunities available to undergraduate students and UC professionals). 

Information hubs: Online research and extension hubs provide information and tools on science-based solutions for sustainable rangeland management. Topics include: 

  • Rangeland water quality
  • Ranch water quality: Instructor's guide and lesson plan
  • Irrigated Pasture
  • Irrigation and nitrogen management planning tool
  • Rangeland drought
  • Livestock- Predator Interactions
  • Public Lands

Working Rangelands Wednesdays webinar series: The goal of this webinar series is to discuss challenges related to managing multiple-use rangelands through an applied, land manager-oriented lens. We explore topics around rangeland agriculture in California and across the West.