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About Us

County Director, Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor

Photo of Grace Woodmansee
Grace Woodmansee
Title: County Director/Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County
1655 South Main Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 842-2711
Email: gwoodmansee@ucanr.edu

Agronomy Advisor

Photo of Jagdeep Singh
Jagdeep Singh
Title: Agronomy Advisor
Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County
1655 South Main Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Email: fgssingh@ucanr.edu

Woody Biomass and Forest Products

Photo of Dr Mohammadali Azadfar
Dr Mohammadali Azadfar
Title: Woody Biomass and Forest Products Advisor
Specialty: Advancing extension education and applied research programs. Focused on enhancing the cost-effective utilization of woody biomass, fostering sustainable practices, and driving innovation in forest products.
Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County
1655 South Main Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 842-2711
Email: mazadfar@ucanr.edu

4-H Community Education Specialist

Photo of Christina Bradford
Christina Bradford
Title: 4-H Community Education Specialist II
Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County
1655 South Main Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: 530-842-2711
Email: mrsbradford@ucanr.edu
Photo of Jacki Zediker
Jacki Zediker
Title: 4-H Regional Program Coordinator (Region 1 & Region 2)
Specialty: Helps young people discover and develop their potential. Provides a wide variety of educational and enrichment opportunities.
Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County
1655 South Main Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 842-2711
Email: jkzediker@ucanr.edu

ANR Intermountain Research & Extension Center

Photo of Robert G Wilson
Robert G Wilson
Title: Farm Advisor
Specialty: Pest managment in vegetable and field crops; Potato variety development; Production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains
ANR Intermountain Research & Extension Center
2816 Havlina Road
PO Box 850
Tulelake, CA 96134
Phone: (530) 667-5117
Email: rgwilson@ucanr.edu

Forestry/Natural Resources Advisor

Photo of Christian Jordan
Christian Jordan
Title: Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor
Cooperative Extension Shasta County
1851 Hartnell Avenue
Redding, CA 96002-2217
Phone: 530-224-4900
Email: cjor@ucdavis.edu

Area Fire Advisor

Photo of Lenya N Quinn-Davidson
Lenya N Quinn-Davidson
Title: Fire Network Director
Specialty: Fire Ecology and Management
5630 South Broadway
Eureka, CA, CA 95503
Phone: 707-445-7351
Fax: 707-444-9334
Email: lquinndavidson@ucanr.edu

Office Staff

Photo of Samantha B Clawson
Samantha B Clawson
Title: Cooperative Extension Coordinator
Phone: (530) 842-2711
Fax: (530) 842-6931
Email: sbclawson@ucanr.edu